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Work: Work
Nyctophobia 2.png


A phobia is considered an unrealistic fear or extreme aversion of an object or situation. Many of those afflicted by certain fears face certain difficulties that urge adjustment of daily lifestyle and treatment.


How best to display these fears through a graphical medium? To show how it might feel to content and bear with these pressures in a visual sense.


Application of flickering through keyframe brightness, this project intended to visually evoke the emotion of fear caused by what might linger in the dark. Applying shade and lighting effects to what might otherwise be a simple bedroom in an isometric style, this project also explored how to better describe the effects of nyctophobia to others who do not experience it.


Providing insight into how the phobia might be interpreted.

Nyctophobia ROOM FINAL Finish-min.gif

"Where does madness leave off and reality begin?"

In today's literature, more and more novels and books continue to be published by new and budding creative minds, with older classical titles that inspired generations slowly vanishing into decline. How might we use motion graphics to encourage not only their renown but also to draw in modern audiences to pick up the old classics and renew old favourites?





Innsmouth Shot 1.png
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